The Society’s Lord’s Suite Party is one of the highlights of our calendar, and again we will be spending a whole spring’s day in our own private box in the Tavern Stand of the global home of cricket, overlooking the Main Ground and giving first class views of the action. We have both indoor and balcony seating plus a dedicated member of Lord’s staff serving us tea, coffee, soft drinks, wine and beer – all included in your ticket price.

2022’s event was to be the last, but thankfully the powers that be had a change of heart and Lord’s will be hosting this long established tie for at least another four years. In a change to previous years, this spring there will instead be Twenty20 matches for both men and women on the Main Ground. As always we approach this event with huge enthusiasm and confidently expect to triumph on the day. We have said that before of course…but this time it really will happen.

Using our suite as your base, wander around Lord’s at will, watch both matches, visit the shops and buy lunch if you wish, or bring your own picnic and join us in the Coronation Garden under the trees at half time.

Organised by Tim Murphy