Monday, 14th October 2024

Tickets can be purchased at the bottom of this page

Members: £20

*This event is for Cambridge Society of London members only, and we have a limit of 50 places.  If you are not currently a member and would like to become one, please visit our enrolment page.

We are delighted to invite you again to our very special, exclusive, structured and focused Networking Evening, to be held high up over Canary Wharf on the 30th floor of Clifford Chance.

This event provides opportunities for Society members to get to know more Cambridge alumni from all walks of life: the professions, the arts, politics, charities, military services, from senior executives running major corporations to entrepreneurs to recent graduates starting out on their careers, to those wanting to encourage involvement in hobbies and social activities and everything else in between. It is an evening when we can unashamedly further our own career and social interests and also help each other.

We will meet informally with refreshments starting at 7pm and then go into a plenary session at 7.30pm where – be prepared – you will be invited to talk for just 60 seconds about yourself and your current work or social aspirations: essentially, why you are there and what sort of contacts you’d like to make. As you can imagine, with just 60 seconds of ‘exposure’ your proud academic and sporting credentials may be less important than your immediate networking needs, so do make a strong pitch – and with hesitation, deviation and repetition you risk only the Chairman saying your time is up! Then, around 8.30/8.45pm, having learned something about each other we will adjourn to continue with informal networking, one-to-one or in groups, over drinks and canapés – and that is where the real benefit lies. Details of those attending will, with their permission via our booking form, be copied to other attendees afterwards, so that any good links can be followed up later if necessary. The evening is intended to be a direct help to our members’ careers, professions and interests – it is mostly informal and it’s always humorous and enjoyable, so please do come and make use of it. Bring lots of visiting or business cards – you will need them!

The Venue

Clifford Chance, London Office, 10 Upper Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5JJ – from Canary Wharf Underground Station, Upper Bank Street exit or Canary Wharf DLR Station, out to the Piazza and a short walk to Upper Bank Street.  Dress code is “smart casual or work attire”


Cambridge Society of London Transfer and Refund Policy

i) At least 14 calendar days before the event: We will provide full refunds (minus any booking/transaction fees, which are nonrefundable). Alternatively, if you have found a suitable replacement, we can change the name on the ticket on the understanding that you will reclaim the ticket price from them separately.

ii) Between 4 and 14 calendar days before the event: Our arrangements with our hosts are always finalised 4 calendar days before each event. With more than 4 calendar days’ notice we can still change the name to someone named by you on the understanding that you will reclaim the ticket price from them separately. Alternatively, we MIGHT be able to sell it to someone else; there is no guarantee of that but we will do our best and then refund you if successful.

iii) Less than 4 calendar days: We regret that we cannot offer refunds if given less than 4 calendar days’ notice.