Wednesday, 2nd October 2024

Tickets can be purchased at the bottom of this page

Members: £10

Guests: £13

Alumni: £13

*All Cambridge Alumni (and up to three guests) may book tickets for this event.  Cambridge Society of London members receive their normal discount – if you are not currently a member and would like to become one, please visit our enrolment page.

CamSocTalks – Is the UK a failed State?

In recent years the UK has not been doing very well.  Twenty years ago its average standard of living was comparable to that of its European neighbours, but it has now fallen significantly behind.  It has also become more unequal: the gap between the poorest region and the richest is the greatest in Europe.  There are many issues on which successive governments have made specific promises, only to regularly fail to meet them.  There is a general sense that many things are just not working.  Faith in government is lower than ever.

Some will argue that all that this needs is a new government, which we have recently elected, with the fresh minds and ideas and energy that go with that.  But others argue that after an initial period of improvement the old problems will recur and that actually we have a crisis of governance which needs a radically new approach.  John Horam has the unique experience of having been a Minister in both Labour and Conservative governments and is now a working member of the House of Lords.  He explores the situation in what is likely to be a highly interesting talk for those concerned about the future of our country.  There will be ample time for open discussion.

About our speaker

John Horam read economics at St Catharine’s College and went on to write for the Financial Times and The Economist.  He then founded, with a partner, an international economic consultancy of which he is still a non-executive director.  He entered politics as the Labour MP for Gateshead West in 1970 and became a Minister in the Department of Transport, but left to join the SDP.  He then joined the Conservative party and was elected as the Conservative MP for Orpington in 1992, becoming a Minister in the Cabinet Office and then the Health Department.  He also chaired the Environment Audit Committee and was a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee.  On retiring from the Commons he was appointed to the House of Lords where he has been a member of the European Affairs Committee and speaks regularly in debates.

The Evening

Guests can arrive from 6.00pm to meet for a drink and get comfortable before we move to the lecture room for the talk and discussion starting at 7pm sharp.  The talk will be up to an hour and this will include the opportunity for audience questions.  The talk will be finished by 8pm at which point we can move back to the quiet bar area for drinks and more chat.  There will be a cash bar before and after the talk.

The Venue

The bar at the orchard

The Orchard, Level 8, 1 Great Cumberland Place, London, W1H 7AL Marble Arch Tube – 1 minBond Street Cross Rail – 9 mins


Cambridge Society of London Transfer and Refund Policy

i) At least 14 calendar days before the event: We will provide full refunds (minus any booking/transaction fees, which are nonrefundable). Alternatively, if you have found a suitable replacement, we can change the name on the ticket on the understanding that you will reclaim the ticket price from them separately.

ii) Between 4 and 14 calendar days before the event: Our arrangements with our hosts are always finalised 4 calendar days before each event. With more than 4 calendar days’ notice we can still change the name to someone named by you on the understanding that you will reclaim the ticket price from them separately. Alternatively, we MIGHT be able to sell it to someone else; there is no guarantee of that but we will do our best and then refund you if successful.

iii) Less than 4 calendar days: We regret that we cannot offer refunds if given less than 4 calendar days’ notice.