Join our committee

Become a Committee Member

All of our Society’s activities are organised by a Committee, all of whose alumni-members are unpaid volunteers co-opted to the committee before being officially elected by Society members attending a General Meeting.  The Committee welcomes new ideas for venues and suggestions for events, and members are also encouraged to offer themselves for election to the Committee itself.  It is expected that each member will assume overall management of at least one event per year, supported administratively by the Secretary and the rest of the committee. 

The Cambridge Society of London is one of over 430 such societies around the world, run by Cambridge alumni and others predominantly to organise social events for Cambridge graduates, undergraduates and their guests, and thereby also to remind them of their University.  All societies are run by unremunerated volunteers and are non-commercial in nature.  By means of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) they are approved by, affiliated with, and supported by the University, mainly through its Development and Alumni Relations (CUDAR) office in terms of event promotion, advice and other services.

There are over 20,000 Cambridge alumni with addresses in Greater London.  The Society’s committee consists currently of a Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer and (currently) six others.  For practical reasons formal membership of the Society is done by subscription, currently £12 pa, and all applicants are checked by CUDAR to ensure that they are bona fide.  Formal membership currently stands at 1073, as well as around 150 Freshers with another 140 inherited from previous arrangements (life membership, honorary, etc.).  In 2023 some 18 events were organised in London.

All Cambridge alumni are eligible to join and then have the privilege of inviting guests. All events are promoted by our regular newsletters.  If necessary CUDAR will also promote them to the wider alumni community.

The Society Committee meets up to three times a year in Central London, normally at the home of a committee member.

Key Responsibilities

Enthusiasm for Social Engagement and Fun:

  • Bringing energy and a positive outlook to committee meetings and events.

  • Helping to foster a fun and inclusive atmosphere where members can enjoy themselves while working towards common goals.

  • Open to personal and professional development opportunities provided by committee involvement.

Commitment and Enthusiasm:

  • A genuine interest in the society’s goals and mission.
  • Willingness to take initiative and drive projects forward.
  • Sufficient time to dedicate to the society’s activities, meetings, and events.

Skills and Expertise:

  • Skills or professional background relevant to the society’s focus, or a willingness to learn.
  • A mix of skills that complement those of existing members to create a well-rounded team.

Teamwork and Collaboration:

  • Cooperative attitude and the ability to work well in a team.
  • Ability to contribute to the society’s long-term strategy and goals.

  • Clear and effective communication, both in organising and when representing the committee at our events.

Networking and Influence:

  • Useful contacts or the ability to network effectively to benefit the society.

  • Capacity to advocate for the society’s interests and engage with its members.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion:

  • Support for and commitment to diversity and inclusion within the society and its activities.

  • Awareness and sensitivity to diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

Benefits of being a Committee Member:

  • Engage in meaningful activities that make a significant impact on the alumni community.

  • Gain visibility and acknowledgment for your efforts, and connect with alumni from all demographics.

  • Access to stimulating environments and networking opportunities.
  • Engagement with a motivated and dedicated committee, fostering collaboration and camaraderie.

How to show your interest

The committee will take a look at anyone who does show interest, so if you are of that mind please fill in the form below with some sentences saying why you’re interested and what skills and experience you think you can bring.  If you are able, it would also be useful to come along to one of our events to speak to one of us in person.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Register your interest